About Us India - Iraq Relations

Embassy of India

India-Iraq Bilateral Relations

India and Iraq have historical and civilizational ties. Iraqi port of Basra was not only the market par excellence of the Indian merchandise including textiles, spices, food-grains and other commodities for the Arab world but also of the famous pearl trade that flourished mainly through the Indian traders and jewellers. Indian soldiers and railway workers from British India had played major role in ensuring the security in this region during the colonial era and have left an imprint in the region.  The breed of the southern Iraqi Jamus or the water buffalo had been brought by Harun Al Rashid from India. The Iraqi Philosophers and Sufi saints like Khwaja Hasan al Basri, Junaid Al Baghdadi and Sheikh Behlul had such an impact on the spiritual movements in India that Guru Dev Nanak Saheb came personally to Baghdad to deliberate on the ontological and the epistemological questions with Sheikh Behlul who hosted him for nearly three months.  Iraqi spiritual leader Sheikh Syed Abdul Qadir Jeelani has enormous following in India where he is referred to either as Dastagir Saheb or Ghous-al-Azam.  On the other hand, Indians were among the foremost to patronize the Shrines and Sarai Khanas of the heritage of Islam’s primeval martyrdom at Karbala. Thousands of Indians visit the shrines of Imam Hussein and Imam Abbas in Karbala every year and also the shrine of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jeelani in Baghdad.

2. Since the outbreak of war in Iraq in 2003, India has been supporting a free, democratic, pluralistic, federal and unified Iraq.  India responded to the urgent needs of Iraq for relief and economic reconstruction directly and as part of international efforts under the UN auspices.  In response to UN Secretary General’s urgent appeal, India committed US$ 20 million for assistance to the Iraqi people in 2003.  Activities under this pledge included supply of milk powder through World Food Programme, training of Iraqi Foreign Service officers in diplomacy, and other Iraqi officials in Information Technology.  In cooperation with World Food Programme (WFP), India provided fortified biscuits to Iraqi school children and Iraqi refugees in Syria.  In addition, India contributed US$ 10 million in 2004 towards the International Reconstruction Fund Facility for Iraq (IRFFI) for investments, reconstruction and development in Iraq. Shri M. J. Akbar Minister of State for External Affairs represented India at the Kuwait International Conference for Reconstruction of Iraq in Kuwait in February 2018 and pronounced interests of India to the reconstruction of Iraq. India contributed US$ 200,000/- to UN Investigative Team to Promote Accountability for Crimes Committed by Da’esh/ISIL (UNITAD) in April 2022 to support the areas of UNITAD’s investigations in development and use of chemical and biological weapons by ISIL and to establish a dedicated Cultural Heritage Crimes Unit and facilitate the prosecution of those responsible for attacks on places of religious and cultural significance in Iraq. India made the statement at UN Security Council Briefing on the situation in Iraq (UNAMI briefing) eight times in February, May, August, November 2021, February, May, October and December 2022 and five times at UNITAD in May 2021, December 2021, May 2022, June and December 2022 and United Nations Compensation Committee (UNCC) in February 2022.

3. High-level visits: There have been high-level political exchanges between the two countries  which are summarized below:

(i) DPM and Foreign Minister of Iraq, Mr. Fuad Hussein participated online in the Foreign Ministers’ session of the 3rd Voice of Global South Summit held on August 17, 2024.

(ii) Deputy Minister for Upstream Affairs, Ministry of Oil, Iraq, Mr. Bashim Mohammed Khudhair participated online in the Energy Ministers’ session of the 3rd Voice of Global South Summit held on August 17, 2024.

(iii) A 4-member composite Indian Oil and Gas PSUs delegation headed by ED, IOCL and HPCL and comprising a GAIL representative visited Baghdad from May 21-23, 2024 and held talks with SOMO and Minister of Oil of Iraq. 

(iv) A 3-member Iraqi Naval delegation led by the Iraqi Commander of the Naval Force, Staff Vice Admiral Mazin Abdulwahid Gubaian Al-Aameri, visited Vishakhapatnam on February 17 on the invitation from Admiral R. Hari Kumar, Chief of Naval Staff of Indian Navy to participate in MILAN-2024, a multi-national naval exercise being held in India from February 19 to 27, 2024.

(v) Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Shri Hardeep Singh Puri met Iraqi PM Mohamed Shia Al Sudani on 17th January, 2024 on the sidelines of the 54th Annual Meeting of World Economic Forum, Davos.

(vi) Deputy Environment Minister Dr. Jassem Abdel Aziz Hamadi participated online in the Environment Minister’s session of the 2nd Global South Summit held on 17th November, 2023.

(vii) DPM and Minister of Oil Mr. Hayan Abdul Ghani visited New Delhi on June 19-20, 2023 to hold 18th session of the India-Iraq Joint Commission Meeting  with Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas Shri Hardeep S. Puri. The Iraqi delegation was led by DPM & Minister of Oil Mr. Hayan Abdul Ghani Abdul Zahra Al Sawad and  India side was headed by Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas Shri Hardeep S. Puri. Iraqi Minister of Oil called on Hon’ble VP and met Minister of Health and Chemicals and Fertilizers. He also addressed a business meeting organized by CII. 

(viii) Iraqi NSA Mr. Qassem Al-Araji visited India in March 2023 for the India-Iraq Security Dialogue and met Indian NSA and visited several facilities in India. 

(ix) Dr. Ausaf Sayeed, Secretary (CPV&OIA), Ministry of External Affairs visited Baghdad on February 20, 2023 to hold 2nd round of the India-Iraq Foreign Office Consultations with Dr. Hisham Al-Alawi, Undersecretary for Political Planning Affairs from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iraq. The Indian delegation also had meetings with Deputy PM and Minister of Oil, Mr. Hayyan Abdul Ghani, Minister of Trade, Mr. Atheer Dawood Salman, NSA, Mr. Qasem Al Araji and President of Sunni Awqaf Board, Dr. Mesh’anAl Khazraji. The Indian delegation also visited Kurdistan Region of Iraq and met KDP President, Mr. Masoud Barzani, Prime Minister of KRG, Mr. Masrour Barzani (KDP Party), Deputy Prime Minister of KRG, Mr. Qubad Talabani (PUK Party), Minister and Head of Department of Foreign Relations, Mr. Safeen Dizayee (KDP Party) and Minister of Trade and Industry, Mr. Kamal Muslim Saeed (KDP Party).

(x) Iraqi DPM and Minister of Oil participated online in the Energy Ministers’ session of the Voice of Global South Summit held on January 13, 2023.

(xi) Dr. Hisham Al-Alawi, DG, Asia & Australia Department, MoFA, visited India along with Lt. Gen. Mahdi Hadi Al-Fkaiki, Senior Advisor to Minister of Interior and Mr. Basim Kareem Mousa Shuwaili, DG, Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism, Ministry of Interior, to attend the 3rd Ministerial Conference on Counter-Terrorism Financing “No Money for Terror” (NMFT) held on November 18-19, 2022 at New Delhi.

(xii) Dr. Haval Abubaker, Governor of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan Region of Iraq visited India from 11-21 April, 2022 under the ICCR’s Distinguished Visitors Programme 2022-23.

(xiii) Hon’ble EAM Dr. Jaishankar met President of Kurdistan Regional Government Mr. Nechirvan Barzani on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference on 19 February 2022 in Germany.

(xiv) Hon’ble EAM Dr. Jaishankar met Foreign Minister of Iraq Fuad Hussein twice on the sidelines of United Nations General Assembly on 21 September 2021 in New York and later in October 2021 at the sidelines of Bani Yas Forum in Abu Dhabi.

(xv) Hon’ble EAM S. Jaishankar held bilateral meeting with Iraqi FM Mohammad Ali Al Hakim on the margins of 18th NAM Summit in Baku on 24 October, 2019.

(xvi) Shri V. Muraleedharan, MoS for External Affairs visited Iraq on September 16-17, 2019.  During the visit, he called on President & PM and met Foreign Minister of Iraq.  He also visited Erbil and called on President & PM of Kurdistan Regional Government and met Foreign Minister.  He unveiled a bust of Mahatma Gandhi at Sami Abdulrahman Park and also addressed Indian community.

(xvii) Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Iraq Dr. Abdul Razzaq Al-Issa attended DIDAC India-Asian Summit on Education and Skills & Exhibition in New Delhi on October 3-6, 2018. Dr. Fouad Qassim Mohamed, Deputy Minister of Education and Scientific Research of Iraq participated in 14th Higher Education Summit held on October 30 - November 1, 2018 in New Delhi.

(xviii) General (Dr.) V. K. Singh (Retd), MoS for External Affairs visited Baghdad on April 1-2, 2018 in a Special Aircraft to bring back mortal remains of the 39 Indian nationals who were killed in Mosul. He thanked the Martyrs’ Foundation Iraq for extending co-operation in locating the mass grave and in facilitating repatriation of mortal remains.

(xix) Prior to this, General (Dr.) V. K. Singh (Retd), MoS visited Iraq three times. His first visit to Iraq was immediately after the liberation of Mosul from ISIS on July 12-14, 2017. He also visited Erbil and had meetings with Kurdish leaders. Second visit of MoS to Iraq was on October 24-31, 2017 during which he also visited Mosul. In Baghdad, he met Foreign Minister Dr. Ibrahim Al Jaafari; NSA Mr. Faleh Al Fayyadh; Chief of Staff of Iraqi Armed Forces Mr. Othman Al Ghanimi; and Secretary General of the Council of Ministers of Iraq Mr. Mahdi Al Alaq. His third visit to Baghdad was on January 21, 2018 during which he met Mr. Faleh Al Fayyadh, NSA.

(xx) Dr. Adeelah Hamoud Hussein Saleem, Minister of Health of Iraq visited India from October 11-14, 2017. She met Ms. Anupriya Patel, Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare and officials of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. She visited AIIMS, Medanta-The Medicity (Gurugram) and some other health-related institutions in Delhi. Pharmexil organized an interactive session with the Iraqi delegation in New Delhi. The visit covered wide gamut of health related issues.

(xxi) Shri M. J. Akbar, MoS for External Affairs met Dr. Ibrahim Al Jaafari, Foreign Minister of Iraq in New York on the margins of UN General Assembly on September 23, 2017.

(xxii) Dr. Ibrahim Al Jaafari, Foreign Minister of Iraq visited India on July 24-26, 2017. He had delegation-level talks with EAM Smt. Sushma Swaraj on bilateral, regional and global issues of mutual interest. Dr. Jaafari called on Vice President Dr. Hamid Ansari and also had a meeting with Shri Dharmendra Pradhan, Minister of State (IC) for Petroleum & Natural Gas. He also visited Mumbai during the visit.

(xxiii) Mr. Humam Al Hamoudi, Deputy Speaker of Iraqi Parliament visited India in April 2017 and had meetings with General (Retired) V. K. Singh, MoS in the Ministry of External Affairs and other leaders.

(xxiv) Dr. Hamed Younis Saleh, Deputy Oil Minister of Iraq led a delegation for the PETROTECH 2016 held in New Delhi on 5-7 December 2016.

(xxv) Minister of State for External Affairs Shri M.J. Akbar visited Iraq on 21-23 August 2016. During the visit, the Minister called on President of Iraq Mr. Fuad Masum; Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament Dr. Salim Al Jabouri; and met Foreign Minister Dr. Ibrahim Al Jaafari, and the National Security Advisor Mr Faleh Al Fayyad. He also paid a visit to the Holy city of Karbala where he met the Chairman of the Provincial Council of Karbala, religious leaders and members of Indian Community.

4. Parliamentary Exchanges: Iraqi Parliament has established an Iraq-India Parliamentary Friendship Group headed  by Iraqi MP Mr. Watban Al Mansour in 2023. Mr. Osama Al Nujaifi, Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament had visited India in December 2012 and had meetings with Speaker of Lok Sabha and Chairman of Rajya Sabha. Mr. Humam Al Hamoudi, Deputy Speaker of Iraqi Parliament visited India in April 2017.

i) Shri Bhartruhari Mahtab, Senior MP visited Iraq on September 03-06, 2019 to attend Asian Parliamentary Assembly Meeting in Baghdad.  He also held meetings with Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament.

ii) Iraqi side has proposed to set up an Iraqi Friendship Group in Indian Parliament for the purpose of enhancing the bilateral parliamentary cooperation and exchanging of experience between the two countries. The proposal is pending for decision with Inter Parliamentary Union Cell of Indian Parliament. 

5. Messages and Greetings between India and Iraq: The President of India, PM, Speaker of Lok Sabha, External Affairs Minister of India and the Minister of Petroleum & Natural Gas had sent congratulatory messages to their Iraqi counterparts on the occasion of formation of the new government in Iraq after October 13, 2022. EAM and MoPNG had also invited their newly appointed Iraqi counterparts to visit India (Minister of Oil’s visit has taken place in June, 2023). Our PM has sent New Year Greetings for 2024 and 2023 and Greetings on Eid-ul-Fitr for 2024 and 2023 to PM and President of Iraq and to the PM of Kurdistan Regional Government, Erbil and our President has extended her new year greetings to the Iraqi President.

Economic and Commercial relations 

6. The economic and trade relations between India and Iraq slowed down after the invasion of Iraq in 2003. However, the total bilateral trade has grown steadily since 2010, mainly due to increasing crude oil imports. In FY 2019-20, bilateral trade with Iraq was valued at US$ 25.61 billion. Bilateral trade in FY 2020-21 amounted to US$ 15.78 billion. Bilateral trade in FY 2021-22 amounted to US$ 34.33 billion, accounting for about 3.32% of our total foreign trade, witnessing a quantum increase due to enhanced economic activities, more oil imports and high oil prices. During FY 2022-23, the bilateral trade valued at US$ 37.08 billion (5th largest partner). During FY 2023-24, the bilateral trade amounted to US$ 33.36 billion. This includes imports worth US$ 30.01 billion and exports worth US$ 3.354 billion. Iraq has now become the 7th largest trade partner of India. India opened its Consulate in Erbil, the Capital of Kurdistan region, in August 2016 to further strengthen economic and commercial relations with Iraq. Iraq maintains its consulate in Mumbai, largely for religious visas to Indians.

7. Details of India’s bilateral trade with Iraq in the last ten years are summarized below:

(In US$ million)


India’s Exports to Iraq

India’s imports from Iraq














































(Source: Department of Commerce, Government of India)

8. Iraq has consistently been among the top suppliers of crude oil to India for the last several years. After becoming the largest supplier of crude oil to India during FY 2017-18, Iraq has been maintaining the position with supplying 51.6 MMT crude oil in FY 2019-20, 43.0 MMT in the FY 2020-21, 56.5 MMT crude oil in FY 2021-22 and 50.6 MMT crude oil in FY 2022-23. Iraq supplied 49.90 MMT crude oil to India during the financial year 2023-24 which accounts for 21.46 % of India’s total oil imports in value. During FY 2023-24 India imported 49.90 MMT crude oil from Iraq. Iraq's exports to India, consisting of crude oil, declined from USD 34 billion in FY 2022- 2023 to USD 30 billion in FY 2023-2024. India is the second-largest importer of Iraqi oil after China, accounting for around 30% of Iraq's oil exports. India’s public sector oil companies, including IOCL, HPCL and BPCL, are the major importers of oil from Iraq. Major exportable crude oil grades are Basrah Heavy (API: 24), Basrah Medium (API 29). Indian oil companies have deep interests in the Iraqi oil sector. A delegation of ONGC- Videsh Limited (ONGC-VL) visited Baghdad and Basra in March 2018 and had discussions with Iraqi Ministry of Oil and Basra Oil Company. A delegation of IOCL visited Baghdad on April 17-18, 2019 and had meeting with State Organization for Marketing of Oil (SOMO). In addition, SOMO had virtual business meetings from Dubai with IOCL, OVL and BPCL on 18th and 29th August 2022. They also met in Milan on the sidelines of GASTECH Conference in 5-8 September, 2022. SOMO and IOCL met on December 13, 2022 in which SOMO agreed to increase the crude oil allocation for 2023 term contract from 19.5 MMT in 2022 to 21.0 MMT in 2023. The Iraqi Oil Ministry delegation attended the 9th Asian Ministerial Energy Roundtable in Bengaluru on February 6-7, 2023 and India Energy Week at the invitation of the Indian Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas. Iraqi oil Minister visited India for the 18th session of India-Iraq JCM and interacted extensively with India businesses and oil companies and addressed a Business Forum hosted by CII.  In view of Russia-Ukraine conflict, the share of our imports from Russia is increasing but oil imports from Iraq still hover around 1 million bpd.

9. India's exports to Iraq jumped by 24% in FY 2023-2024 compared to the same period last year, reaching  USD 3.4 billion. The growth was primarily driven by a surge in rice exports, which soared by 131% to  USD 910 million, compared to  USD 392 million in FY 2022-2023. Exports of meat also witnessed a significant increase, rising by 41.5% to  USD 329 million from  USD 232 million. Other notable export categories that experienced substantial growth included iron (153%), tea (141%), fruits (114%), apparel (106%), and vegetable oils (103%). India remains Iraq's 5th largest exporter, following the United Arab Emirates, China, Türkiye, and Iran.  

10. In addition to import of crude in bulk oil, India also imports commodities like raw wool and sulphur from Iraq. Indian exports to Iraq consist of cereals, iron and steel, meat and meat products, pharmaceutical products, agro chemicals, cosmetics, rubber manufactured products, paints, gems and jewellery, ceramics, manufactures of metals, machine tools, electrical machinery and instruments, transport equipment, electronic goods, handicrafts, sugar, tea, garments. A significant volume of exports takes place through Dubai and other destinations.

11. M/S Mokul-Shriram JV has been reallocated US$235 Million project to build Al Qibla sewerage system in Basra. Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd (BHEL) won an order for compressor package for Baiji Refinery in Iraq, placed by Northern Refineries Company (NRC), a National Oil refinery company owned by the Ministry of Oil, Iraq. BHEL has also executed a turnkey order for the construction of the 4x125 MW gas turbine-based Sulaymaniyah Power Project in Iraq. Kalpataru group has undertaken $ 60 million power transmission lines project recently in southern Iraq.

12. Trade delegations:

  • More than 20 multisectoral Indian Companies visited Erbil and Sulaymaniyah under the sponsorship of FIEO in June 2024 and held business meetings and BSMS.

  • About 20 Indian Construction Companies participated in Erbil Construction Trade Fair held in May 2024. Many ceramics and marble supplying companies are actively doing business in Kurdistan and Iraq.  

  • About half a dozen Iraqi businessmen participated in India Soft Exhibition held in New Delhi from 17-19 January, 2024.

  • An India pavilion was set up at the 47th Baghdad International Fair held from 10-19 January, 2024 in Baghdad under the sponsorship of FIEO with participation of 47 companies and about 100 Indian businessmen. 

  • About a dozen Iraqi businessmen participated in Indusfood-2024 in Greater Noida from 8-10 January, 2024.

  • Embassy participated in IT Fair ITEX-2022, (15-18 February 2022) and ITEX 2023 (Sept, 2023) where it exhibited catalogues, brochures and pamphlets of various leading IT companies from India.

  • Embassy participated in the 13th Agricultural Week, an exhibition on agriculture equipment and good products, organized by Iraq’s Ministry of Agriculture during 19-25 March 2022 in Baghdad International Fairgrounds.

  • A nine-member CII business delegation visited Baghdad and Erbil from 25 to 30 June, 2022 and had BSM, B2G and I2I interactions with various Iraqi and Kurdistan Region authorities, business associations, meeting with Electricity, Agriculture and Trade Ministers, Cabinet Secretary and senior officials of Government of Iraq in Baghdad and with Importers/Exporters Union of Kurdistan, Minister & Head of Department of Foreign Relations, Investor’s Union, Minister of Electricity, Minister of Trade & Industry, Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Chairman of Board of Investment in Erbil.

  • 50 Indian companies under the umbrella of Federation of Indian Exports Organization (FIEO) participated in 46th edition of Baghdad International Fair (BIF) on November 1, 2022. The sectors represented by the Indian companies were electricity and power, hardware and tools, construction and equipment, healthcare and medical equipment, pharmaceuticals, automobile and automotive parts, agriculture and food processing, electrical and electronic components, marble, granite and ceramics, food and beverages, tea, rice, submersible pumps, household appliances, etc.

  • A three-member delegation from Trade Promotion Council of India (TPCI) visited Iraq in December 2022 to promote Indus Food Expo to be held from January 8-10, 2023 at Hyderabad. 11 Iraqi companies attended Indusfood-2023.

  • Government of Madhya Pradesh organised the 7th Invest Madhya Pradesh 2023 – Global Investors Summit from January 11-12, 2023. FIEO hosted Reverse Buyer-Seller Meeting for foreign buyers and Indian exporters in the focused sectors of Food Processing and allied sectors, Pharmaceuticals & Medical Devices, Textile & Garments and Automobile & Engineering. Three Iraqi companies participated in the Summit.

  • Several Indian companies have participated in trade fairs and economic and commercial exhibitions held in Erbil and Sulaymaniyah in the Kurdistan region of Iraq during the past three years. 

13. Iraqi pharmaceutical companies have been actively participating in various trade promotion events organized in India. A number of Indian hospitals are on the panel of Iraqi Health Ministry where the latter sends eligible Iraqi patients. About 29,000 Indian visas, mostly for medical treatment, were issued in 2023 in Baghdad and 5000 in Erbil totalling 33,000 visas in 2023. A number of Indian doctors has been coming to Iraq for short duration medical camps. During the year of 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, a Jaipur Foot Camp was organized in Karbala from November 24, 2018 to January 4, 2019. A similar camp but on a much larger scale with 1000 artificial limbs was held in Baghdad in November 2023.

14. People-to-people contacts: The people-to-people and institutional contacts have resulted in India becoming one of the most preferred destinations for Iraqis seeking quality medical treatment. More than 10,000 Iraqi students obtained their PhD, Masters and undergraduate studies in India. Government of India has revised Travel Advisory for Iraq in February 2019 allowing Indian nationals to selectively travel to safer areas of Iraq. 

15.  In 2021, a total of 15,507 visas of different categories were issued by the Mission for medical treatment, tourism, education and business. In 2022 and 2023, about 33,000 visas, mostly for medical treatment in India were issued.  India remained a preferred destination for Iraqis to undergo medical treatment and pursue higher education in India. More than 90% of the total visas were medical visas. Iraqi Airways is currently operating five flights per week on Delhi-Baghdad-Delhi route. There are flights on Najaf-Mumbai, Najaf-Ahmedabad and Najaf-Hyderabad routes. Air India started its operation to Iraq after more than 25 years with the first flight landing at Najaf International Airport on February 14, 2019.  However, Air India service was suspended in November 2019.

16. Iraq Post unveiled a special commemorative postage stamp in Baghdad on 15 February 2022 which was brought out on the special occasion to celebrate the 70th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between India and Iraq (The Friendship Treaty was signed between India and Iraq in 1952), 75 years of India’s Independence (Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav) and 100 years of establishing Iraqi state.

17. A bust of Mahatma Gandhi was unveiled in the largest public park, Hawary Shar of Sulaymaniyah on 09 April 2022 and another one at the American University in Baghdad on 25th January, 2023. In all, there are four Mahatma Gandhi busts (two in Kurdistan, one in Baghdad and another in the Mission).

18. Capacity building:

  • A 20-member Iraqi IT team from the Prime Minister’s office has undergone a cyber security training programme conducted by C-DAC Mohali from 17 October to 11 November 2022 and another one in November 2023.

  • More than 150 ITEC officials availed of ITEC training in 2022-23 out of the allocated 200 slots.

  • In 2023-24, two specialized country-specific ITEC training courses were organized for Iraq. 

  • India has annually been providing assistance to Iraq under the Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) programme to train officials of the Government of Iraq.

  • A 19-member Senior Government Executives’ Management Development Training Programme was conducted under ITEC at IIM, Indore from 17-28 July, 2023 in Public Administration and e-governance. 

  • Iraqi officials participated in the online e-ITEC programmes especially on COVID 19 pandemic management, Cyber Technologies, AI and Emergent Technologies.

  • India has also been offering opportunity to Iraqi students for higher studies in India under ‘General Scholarship Scheme’ (GSS) organized by the Indian Council of Cultural Relations (ICCR). Iraq has been allocated 50 scholarship slots for 2023-24.

  • A batch of 25 young Iraqi Diplomats attended a Special Training Course organized by Sushma Swaraj Institute of Foreign Service (SSIFS) in New Delhi in January 2018.

  • Two batches comprising (i) 29 Iraqi Diplomats & (ii) 13 Iraqi Diplomats underwent training at SSIFS in Aug-Sept, 2019 and Feb-March 2020 respectively.

  • A special e-ITEC webinar for training on basic Covid-19 management conducted by PGI-MER, Chandigarh was also attended by Iraqi Health officials in April, 2020.

  • 20 officials of Iraqi Forensics Department underwent training at the Gujarat Forensic Science University, Gandhinagar in 2019.

  • A group of 18 Iraqi officials from different Ministries/Departments underwent a training programme for English proficiency at the English and Foreign Languages University (EFLU), Hyderabad in March-April, 2019.

19. Engagement with Iraqi Think-Tanks

  • The Al Nahrain Centre for Strategic studies set up with the help of US Govt. Now, it is under the administrative control of National Security Council and the Centre reports directly to NSA. The Nahrain Centre has an association with IDSA. They had signed an MoU with SS-IDSA during the visit of PM Nouri Al-Maliki to India on August 2013. But, it does not seem to be active. 

  • The Al-Rafidain Center for Dialogue (RCD) is a well-known Iraqi think-tank based in Najaf City and is being run by Shia Zaid Al Talaqani. The center receives extensive funding and assistance from US, Europe, and etc. Global South Centre of Excellence at RIS has singed a Letter of Association (LoI) and an MoU for Cooperation with Al-Rafidain Centre for Dialogue (RCD) in June 2024. Recently, RCD had organized Discussion on “Multi-polarity: Who Rules the Global Landscape”. Mission participated in the discussion. The discussion was very effective and fruitful in the present world scenario. The discussion was attended by  Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Political Planning Affairs, Head of Foreign Affairs Committee in the Iraqi Parliament, and Diplomatic Missions.

  • M/s Accelerate India has  signed an agreement for entrepreneurship development and innovation with the Koya University in Sulaymaniyah. 

  • Middle East Research Institute (MERI) is an independent, not-for-profit organization, focused on policy issues relating to the people, the land and the system of governance in the Middle East in general, and Kurdistan and Iraq in particular. It is based in Erbil, Kurdistan Region of Iraq. MERI collaborates widely with internationally academic leaders and senior fellow from leading research institutions of USA, Europe, Turkey, UNDP, FAO, etc. A virtual meeting was held between Global South Centre of Excellence at RIS and MERI on 3 April, 2024. RIS has signed a Letter of Association (LoI) to MERI in April 2024. MERI has invited Global South Center of Excellence (GSCE) for its flagship annual conference in October, 2024 in Erbil. 

20. Indian community: Before the Gulf war in 1991, there were more than 80,000 Indian nationals in Iraq. Most of them left Iraq before the war started. After the 2003 invasion, thousands of Indian workers were recruited by contractors to provide various services to foreign military bases in Iraq. Many of them left with the deteriorating security situation in the country. With the lifting of the Government of India advisory against travel of Indians to Iraq which was in vogue from 2004 till May 2010, the number of Indian workers had steadily increased in the more stable Kurdistan region comprising Erbil, Sulaimaniya and Dohuk governorates, with better salaries and working conditions in steel mills, oil companies and construction projects. When the ISIS took over large parts of Iraq in 2014, Government of India evacuated thousands of Indian nationals from Iraq. There has been influx of Indian workers to Iraq after the revision of travel advisory in February 2019. Presently, there are more than 5,000 Indian workers deployed in Karbala Refinery Project. The total number of Indians in Iraq is now estimated to be around 35,000, mostly in Baghdad, Kurdistan region, Basra, Najaf and Karbala. About 1,00,000 Indians visit Baghdad, Karbala, Najaf and Samarrah in Iraq for pilgrimage annually.

21. Religious pilgrimage: A large number of Indian pilgrimages numbering approx. 1,00,000 visit the Holy shrines in Baghdad, Najaf and Karbala every year. About 50,000 pilgrims from India visited Karbala and Najaf for Arbaeen, the 40-day mourning period, in September 2023. More than 1,00,000 Indian pilgrims are expected to visit Najaf and Karbala in Arbaeen in August 2024. Several Indian tourists also visit the holy shrine of a revered Sufi Saint, Sheikh Syed Abdul Qadir Jeelani in Baghdad.


August, 2024

Bilateral Relations